What is the difference to other investment solutions / providers?
Low starting amount: At findependent you can start investing with as little as CHF 500.
Simplicity: From the digital account opening to the clear selection of investment solutions to the uncomplicated control – we make investing as easy as possible for you. Focused on the essentials and what really gets you ahead.
Costs: On average, our comparable management and custody fees are almost 70% cheaper than offers from traditional banks. We have optimised all other costs in the interest of our clients, e.g. we paid attention to low product costs when selecting ETFs. With us, you only pay for what is useful to you and are guaranteed not to be surprised by extra costs (no balancing charges, no fee for the tax statement, etc.).
Comprehensibility: Our investment solutions enable you to build up a basic understanding of investing and saving so that you can make the right decisions for your financial well-being on your own. Guaranteed to be jargon-free and understandable even for financial novices.
App: Our investment solutions can be conveniently tracked and controlled on your smartphone.
Transparency: Transparency is also very important to us. That’s why you’ll find all the details about fees on our website and can track all transactions with the app, so you’ll always know how much you’ve earned and what fees you’ve incurred.
Flexibility: We give you a high degree of flexibility. You are free to decide how long you stay with findependent and can pay in or pay out as much money as you want at any time.
Independence: We always act in your interest and do not accept any payments from ETF providers, so-called “retrocessions”, so that we use their (expensive) ETFs.
Own investment solution: With us you can also put together your own personal investment solution from CHF 5,000 by selecting from around 30 pre-selected ETFs according to your wishes and weigh them individually. We take care of sufficient diversification and everything else.